Just in case any one of you thought that these cheap plastic check Vuitton bags seen on their SS07 catwalk were cool. . . .
. . .and then got it into your head from this spread in the recent Teen Vogue that it was a great bag for this season, I did some first hand research while I was home for spring break. I'd like to point out that while they make it look really stylish and cool on the catwalk and in the photoshoots, the actual people who uses these bags are not so glamorous. In fact, these bags are commonly used by street vendors as storage and for garbage disposal.
Seriously, I don't know where they get their ideas from.
About the Author
I'm Hung Duy, the founder of Xml Blogger Templates (XBT). I'm a freelance writer on topics related to Website Optimization (SEO), blogger customizations and making money online. I'm blogging since 2006 and I'm currently a guest blogger on Blogging With Success.
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